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A Virtual Cozy fly-in

Copying is the finest form of flattery. (The Cozy was the first side-by-side canard design, and first flew on June 28, 1982.) Anonymous.
Flying my Cozy is as close to flying an F-16 as you can get. The bubble canopy provides excellent visibility and the cruise performance is truly fantastic. My Charles Wolcott - built Cozy is everything that I thought it would be - performance, comfort, and most of all, FUN! Brian Bishop '98-'99 Thunderbird Commander/Leader.
COZY N41 CZ first flew on July 25, 1987. It took about 2,000 hrs to build over a 2 yr 4 month period. It is based out of Front Range Airport near Denver Colorado. It has a Lycoming O-320E2C 150 hp engine with B&T prop. Top speed is 180 kts TAS at 2,800 rpm and static run up is 2,450 rpm. Jack Grandman
My Cozy is N23CZ, plans number 108. It was built in Burbank, CA and first flew in October, 1988. I purchased it from the original builder in August, 1998 with just over 500 hours on the engine and airframe. I've flown from my home base at Houston Southwest Airport (KAXH), TX to Oshkosh, Sun 'n Fun twice and have made numerous trips to Augusta, GA and Tampa, FL to visit family and friends. I now have over 750 hours on the 150 HP Lycoming O-320-E2A and Great American prop. I am a former Navy carrier pilot and think that sliding into the Cozy is the next best thing to being back in a military cockpit. It is a pleasure to fly and a lot of fun on 7.5 gph! Richard Reitz
WHAT A MARVEL!!! The Cozy is easy to fly, very stable and performing as advertised. This plane far exceed my expectation. My first solo flight made me forget all the long (but enjoyable) hours and the frustration of getting her ready in the last year. Thanks Nat (Puffer) for a tremendous flying machine.

Ga©tan Roy, Montreal, Canada.

The Cozy MK IV flies great. The flight controls are superb. I love the side stick aand, hopefully, will never have any need to fly another Cessna or Piper again.

John B. Vermeylen, N69CZ

Winds over 100 mph slammed the Spearfish airport. Hangers were blown down and 16 airplanes badly damaged or totaled. My COzy was tied down 30 yds away from blown down hangers and totaled airplanes, and was unscathed. Amazing! FBO was in disbeilief.

Tim Jones, Jefferson, SD

Built in Canberra Australia. Brenda and I met Nat at OSH 87, bought the plans, came home and organised the workshop, ordered materials and cut foam in June of 1988. It took until March of 1998 to get flying but I had long breaks due work commitments. Top speed is around 180 Kts TAS, Usual cruise at 65% power is around 164 Kts TAS at 1600 Lbs and this varies about 3% per 100 Lbs either side. With a Mountain Design Oxy System, I have had 157 Kts TAS on 50% at FL190. We now have 340 airframe hours (IE Time off the ground.) and 380 landings. Fantastic aeroplane.

Fuel flow seems to run about 10% below Lycoming book figures which I attribute to the Electronic Ignition.

Now who has some plans for drop tanks?
Tony Rothwell.

Cozy MK4, N871F first flew on June 18, 2000, 8 years to the day of first starting the project. This has been a true family project and we did it in spare time. The first flight was going to be a high speed taxi test, but the Cozy leaped into the air! I don't think Kevin has wiped that smile off his face yet. Fully loaded even with baggage pods, we cruise at 185MPH, WOW! We just made our first flight to Osh Kosh and that was great. On our first fly in to a small town, Colorado City, TX, we won the most unusual aircraft award - what a thrill when we said we weren't building a show plane, just a family vehicle! We want to thank Nat Puffer for the design and support, and all our EAA friends in chapter 19 for their help too. It is truly amazing to fly a plane that was built in your garage. We have made many friends working on this project, and we look forward to all the friendships we are going to make flying our Cozy. Kevin & Carrie Funk, Lubbock, TX
Thank you for a wonderful experience building and flying the Cozy Mark IV. Timothy P. Jones, Jefferson SD.
Cozy Mark IV, N42CZ, first flew 8/28/98. As I pushed the throttle open, I was surprised at how quickly I was airborne and climbing at 1500 fpm. The plane flew flawlessly! WOW, what a great feeling, after all that hard work! The work of building is so worth the effort when you feel that beautiful bird take off the first time. Thanks, Nat, for designing such a great airplane and all the fantastic support over the years. Gene Davis, Gold Canyon, AZ.
The first flight of my Cozy Mark IV, N10CZ, was 6/18/98. It was an uneventful delight with very little stress. Much thanks to Nat Puffer, good friend and designer of the Mark IV. David Domeier, Chesterfield, MO.
After 2 years and 2,400 hours of work, Cozy MK IV N494CZ made its maiden flight 10/15/97. Thanks to a good design and excellent detailed step-by-step instructions, it required very few adjustments during the 40 hour fly-off period. I can't begin to describe the feeling of accomplishment when flying over the countryside at 200+ mph in a plane that I built myself! Mark Beduhn, Greenbrier AR.
Cozy Mark IV N141MD first flew in January 1997. This is the first experimental airplane I have built. It is superb for cross country adventure with its speed, range and four seats. The plans are exceptional, thanks to Nat Puffer. Michael Davis, Leitchfield, KY.
Our Cozy Mark IV took to the skies on 6/23/99. When we started, we knew very little about airplane building, but with the straightforward plans and excellent support from Nat Puffer and other builders, we got the job done. It is a delight to fly. Eric Westland,Mulkilteo, WA.
My Cozy Mark IV turned out to be a wonderful airplane that flies like a jet - very maneuverable and quick to climb. It literally lands itself if setup correctly on final. Larry Sligar, Myrtle Creek OR.
My Cozy Mark IV was completed in a little less than 2.5 years. The airplane is everything I had hoped for. Keep building! It really is worth it! Charles Wolcott, Simi Valley, CA.
Our Cozy Mark IV first flew in February '96 after 18 months of construction. Hard work and great plans have given us a wonderful cross country 4-place airplane with a 6 hour range at 220 TAS. Frank and Terri Bibbee, Bedford, TX.
I completed my Cozy Mark IV in less than 21 months. I am really very pleased with the performance and have really enjoyed the open view that I receive from the design of the canopy. I would like to thank Nat Puffer and the EAA for making my first attempt at building an aircraft a successful one. David and Vicky Higgins, Pembroke Pines, FL.
My Cozy N89CZ has been from Seattle to Maine, Denver to San Diego and to Oshkosh three times. I cruise at 170 kts burning 8 gph. Michael Marshall, Kansas City MO.
Our Cozy Mark IV took 3.5 years to build. It has a 200 hp IO-360 Lycoming The top speed to date is 193 knots, verified with GPS. Bruce and Debbie Elkind, Hawthorne, CA.
After a trip to Oshkosh in 1987, I really got serious about building a personal airplane. I liked the idea of a composite, canard pusher. My Cozy 3-place was my first airplane project. The plans by Nat Puffer were very clear and complete. Flying my Cozy for the first time was a thrill. It has excellent performance, is comfortable and very stable. It is a superb cross-country traveler. Bob Misterka, Grafton, MA.
Brothers Carlos and Ruben Leon in Venezuela built a Cozy IV with a difference. They added a TWO Suzuki 1600cc water cooled 100HP engines with TWO 3-blade coaxial independent counter-rotating props, then flew their bird to OSH and were invited speakers at the Cozy dinner. For more information on the twin suzuki Cozy IV visit their web site

The COZY is currently the most popular "plans built" design. (over 1700 sets of plans for the Cozy-III and Cozy Mark IV have been sold to date. Over Cozy's 350 flying.) Cindy Peterson, Kitplanes Magazine

The Cozy Mark IV is comfortable and boasts impressive performance numbers. It has benign stall characteristics and positive dynamic stability. And it is easy to fly. Ed Kolano, test pilot for Sport Aviation

The Cozy Mark IV is a pretty aircraft and draws favorable comments from nearly everyone who sees it. It is also a lesson in aerodynamics. Its cross country efficiency places it among the top homebuilts in its class. C.J Stephens, CAFÉ Foundation Chief Test Pilot

My Cozy Mark IV, F-PGJL, first flew May 5,2000. It felt very familiar because I professionally fly an Airbus 320, which has side stick controls. I am overwhelmed with the joy of flying my bird. Thanks to Nat for his exceptional design. Benoit Lecoq, Paris, France.

Thanks for a great bird, Nat. She is everything and then some in comparison to the 150 I have flown for over 10 years now. Rick Cahil, Columbus, OH.

Cozy Mark IV, N171ML completed her first flight 6/13/98 under clear skies. I want to thank you, Nat, for making this all possible. Michael G Link, Nashville, TN.

My Cozy Mark IV project, N92VT, first flew on 10/28/99 after 18 months of building. My previous experience building a Cozy 3 and the easy-to-follow plans made this project "EZ". Dennis Oelmann, Waterloo, IA.

My 3-place Cozy N83PC started life as a Long EZ. I modified it into a Cozy in Florida by building a new fuselage in 1992, flew it across the US to Burbank, and put it in a box for a long trip to Chuuk (Truk) Atoll in Micronesia, and then ferried it to Palau, where I use it extensively for aerial photography, having installed two camera holes (video and still) in the bottom. It is great to fly and to see the beauty of Palau from above. Patrick L Colin, Koror, Palau.

Nat Puffer's plans were easy to follow. My Cozy flew hands-off the first flight, and its responsive controls make it the best flying airplane of the many I've flown. It's an excellent cross-country traveler. With this airplane, you make lots of friends, learn more than you can imagine while building, and end up with a true sport utility vehicle. Brian Heinitz, Gold River, CA .

This may be one of the few airplanes that exceeds designer specifications. Ken Brimmer, Bowie, MD.

The airplane is flying great! It really is an absolute joy to fly. Ed Richards.

My Cozy cruises at 185 mph at 2300 rpm, and top speed is 210 mph. Thanks go to Nat Puffer for designing a great cross-country airplane. Mike Doering, Tipton, CA.

I first flew my Cozy in 1994. It has outstanding flying qualities, making it a joy to fly. The plans are exceptional and so is builder support. Richard L Runyon, Cheney WA.

My Cozy N41CZ is just over 12 yeas old. It has held up nicely, and I still get asked if it's a new airplane. It is most enjoyable to own and fly. Thanks to Nat Puffer for all the support he has given me over the years and for designing one great airplane. Jack Grandman, Englewood, CO.


The Cozy Design is an Aircraft Spruce Copyright
Aircraft Spruce purchased the Cozy designs (Cozy III and Cozy Mark IV) from Co-Z Development, and as of January 1, 2004 has the exclusive right to market these designs. These designs are protected with U.S. copyrights, and Aircraft Spruce has licensed no one else to copy all or any part of these designs to sell, loan, or give to others.

Aircraft Spruce and Specialty
225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 92880 
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